Yesterday was Carnival Day at Frontier Harley and the place was packed with hundreds of bikes and a ton of cars, as well. The photos of my little Harley “Piglet” (when she grows up, she’s going to be a Hog) show some of the bikes in the background.
I learned to group ride from the many mentors I had with the Women’s Freedom Rides. I used that experience to earn the patch as a Harley Road Captain (RC). The main job of the RCs is to help people ride safely and also to learn the skills of group riding. Our local HOG chapter only has a few women riding bikes as Road Captains.
The purpose of events like this is to foster more brotherhood and sisterhood among the biker community and also to sell bikes, bike stuff and clothing. Since anyone with a motorcycle license can sign up to test ride bikes for sale, RCs volunteer to lead those people on a safe ride with a bike that is strange to them.
While RCs get the choice to ride any bike in the place, I always elect to ride my own. If I have the responsibility to keep others safe, I don’t want to be distracted on a bike with which I’m not familiar. Besides, what’s more fun than riding your bike all afternoon?
I got the pleasure of coaching riders on how to ride the particular bike they were on. There was a young man on a little rocket bike who wanted to feel the thrill of acceleration. There was a couple test riding a trike that needed to know how to best get the thing through corners. Since I’ve owned one, I was able to provide some tips.
I encountered a very large, scary guy. Bald head except for a real mowhawk hairdo, biker leathers and a look like stay out of his way. He smiled and complimented my little bike, which was parked next to his. We had a great conversation. Bikers look scary but most have a heart of gold.
I sure have fun doing biker things and making friends. Great day.